Hello world! Welcome to the relaunch (yet again) of my website. It’s been here since, oh, I don’t know, 2004? No, 2003. Eleven years. Makes me feel old.
Anyway, this time around I am implementing it as a WordPress site — using WordPress as the blogging and content management system. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen.
Unfortunately, I like to tweak things. Make changes. Break things, and then try to fix them. But I only like fixing things that I’ve broken. I’m not wild about fixing other people’s mistakes. So I’m warning any visitors in advance that this site will be changing its appearance at unpredictable times. If you’re nice you’ll give me feedback about what you like and don’t like. If you’re really nice you’ll also let me know when you find the site broken, so that I can go about fixing it (or start ranting about whatever evil outside influence broke it on me!)
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